Cat DNA Test

Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit Review

Cat DNA Test

Discover a whole new level of understanding about your furry feline friend with the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit. This advanced and comprehensive DNA test provides you with valuable insights into your cat’s breed composition, traits, and health. With analysis of 21 cat breeds, 50 trait markers, and a chromosome map, you can customize your cat’s care routine and meet their unique needs. Additionally, the test includes screening for 64 health markers associated with 43 diseases, allowing for early detection and prevention of potentially life-threatening conditions. As a bonus, you’ll receive a free dental health report, helping you identify and address common dental issues in cats. The process is easy and fast – simply swab your cat’s cheek, send in the sample, and receive a “living” report that updates as Basepaws expands its feline genomics database. Join the Basepaws Cat Community and contribute to scientific advancements that benefit all cats. Empower yourself with knowledge and give your beloved pet the best care possible with the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit.

Find your new Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights on this page.

Why Consider This Product?

If you’ve ever wondered about the unique traits and health needs of your beloved feline friend, the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is the answer you’ve been looking for. This advanced DNA test provides comprehensive insights into your cat’s breed composition, traits, and health, helping you make proactive choices to support their well-being. Backed by scientific research and featured on popular shows like Shark Tank and Ellen’s List, the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is a trusted and reliable option for cat owners.

By understanding your cat’s genetic predispositions, you can tailor their care routine to meet their specific needs. The DNA report provides analysis of your cat’s relation to 21 different cat breeds, along with 50 trait markers and a chromosome map. This information takes the guesswork out of your at-home care routine, allowing you to provide the best possible care for your cat.

Features and Benefits

Accurate Breed Composition Analysis

Discover your cat’s unique breed composition with the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit. This test provides insights into the genetic makeup of your cat, giving you a better understanding of their heritage and traits.

Comprehensive Health Screening

With the screening of 64 health markers associated with 43 diseases, the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit offers peace of mind. Early detection of genetic predispositions allows you and your veterinarian to proactively manage your cat’s health and prevent potentially life-threatening conditions.

Free Dental Health Report

Around 50-90% of adult cats experience dental health issues. The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit includes a free Dental Health report that assesses your cat’s risk for periodontal disease, bad breath, and tooth resorption. With personalized at-home dental care recommendations, you can work with your veterinarian to prevent costly dental procedures and safeguard against associated conditions.

Easy and Fast Process

Using the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is simple and straightforward. Just swab your cat’s cheek and send the sample back to the U.S.-based Basepaws laboratory. With a quick turnaround time and an easy-to-understand report, you’ll have the information you need without any hassle.

Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights

See the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights in detail.

Product Quality

The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is the most advanced and comprehensive cat DNA test on the market. The use of cutting-edge technology and reliable scientific methods ensures accurate results and reliable insights into your cat’s genetics. Basepaws is dedicated to providing high-quality DNA testing services, backed by a team of experts in feline genomics and genetics.

What It’s Used For

Understanding Breed Composition

The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is used to discover your cat’s unique breed composition. By identifying the different cat breeds that make up your feline friend, you can gain valuable insights into their traits and characteristics.

Identifying Genetic Predispositions

This DNA test also allows you to screen for genetic predispositions to various diseases. By detecting these potential health issues early on, you and your veterinarian can take proactive measures to manage your cat’s health and prevent the development of serious conditions.

Managing Dental Health

The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit includes a free Dental Health report, providing information on your cat’s risk for dental issues. With personalized recommendations, you can work with your veterinarian to implement preventative care strategies that will safeguard against dental problems and their associated complications.

Contributing to Scientific Advancements

By using the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit, you and your cat become part of the Basepaws Cat Community. Your cat’s DNA sample contributes to scientific advancements in feline genomics, helping researchers improve the lives of all cats. Join this community and make a difference with a simple swab of your cat’s cheek.

Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights

Product Specifications

To provide a clear visualization of the product specifications, refer to the table below:

Product Specification Details
Test Type Cheek swab DNA test
Breed Analysis Analysis of 21 cat breeds
Trait Markers 50
Health Markers 64
Diseases Screened 43
Dental Health Report Includes risk assessment and personalized care recommendations
Report Update “Living” document that updates as the Basepaws’ feline genomics database grows
Laboratory Location U.S. based Basepaws laboratory

Who Needs This

The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is suitable for all cat owners who want to gain a deeper understanding of their furry friend’s genetic makeup, health predispositions, and dental needs. Whether you have a purebred cat or a mixed breed, this test can provide valuable insights that enhance the care you provide for your cat.

Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights

Pros and Cons


  • Accurate analysis of breed composition
  • Comprehensive health screening for genetic predispositions
  • Free Dental Health report with personalized recommendations
  • Easy and fast process with a quick turnaround time
  • Contributes to scientific advancements in feline genomics


  • May not provide immediate actionable treatment options for potential health issues (requires consultation with a veterinarian for further guidance)


  1. How long does it take to receive the DNA test results? The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit typically provides results within 4-6 weeks after receiving the sample.
  2. Can this test be used for kittens? Yes, the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit can be used for cats of all ages, including kittens.
  3. Will the report be updated over time? Yes, the report is a “living” document and will continue to update as Basepaws expands its feline genomics database.
  4. Can multiple cats in a household use the same kit? No, each cat requires an individual DNA test kit for accurate analysis.

Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have used the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit have expressed their satisfaction with the detailed insights it provides. Many appreciate the breed composition analysis and health screening, as it helps them understand their cat’s unique needs better. The user-friendly process and quick turnaround time have also received positive feedback.

Overall Value

The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit provides exceptional value for cat owners who want to go beyond basic care and truly understand their cat’s genetic makeup, traits, and health predispositions. By utilizing this advanced test, you can take proactive steps to support your cat’s well-being and potentially avoid costly emergency visits to the veterinarian.

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

  • Ensure that your cat is calm and comfortable during the cheek swab process.
  • Keep the swab clean and free from any contaminants.
  • Follow the instructions provided in the kit carefully to ensure accurate results.
  • Consult with your veterinarian to develop a personalized care plan based on the insights from the DNA report.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is the most advanced and comprehensive cat DNA test available, offering breed composition analysis, comprehensive health screening, and a free Dental Health report. With an easy and fast process, you can gain valuable insights into your cat’s unique needs, genetic predispositions, and dental health.

Final Recommendation

For cat owners who want to provide the best care possible for their feline companions, the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit is highly recommended. It not only provides fascinating insights into your cat’s breed composition but also helps you take proactive measures to manage their health. With the added contribution to scientific advancements in feline genomics, this DNA test kit offers both immediate benefits and a chance to make a difference in the lives of all cats.

Check out the Basepaws Cat DNA Test Kit - Comprehensive Breed, Health and Dental Analysis Across 114 Traits for Accurate and Easy-to-Use Genetic Insights here.

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